Pete Beardsworth - Pour Un Homme Seul
Format : 12"
Label : Running Circle Records
Catalog # : RNCL02
Genre : Jazz
Pour Un Homme Seul, the debut EP from Pete Beardsworth, is a cathartic exploration of the spiritual world of jazz and the healing force within.
The songs were written during a long period of solitude in the year following a traumatic accident that left Pete without the bottom parts of his legs. Charting a journey of hope and rediscovery, the tracks chart a voyage through a harsh, personal wilderness, and back to civilization.
This voyage is painted with woodwind, electronics, vocals, found sounds, and synthesizers provided by Pete. Accompaniments by renowned Erhu player Ling Peng, Yazmin Lacey’s drummer Tom Towle, guitarist Roshan Gunga, bassist George Butt, and vocalist Daisy Godfrey.
It follows long-standing collaborations with Yazmin Lacey, for whom Pete produced EPs Black Moon and When The Sun Dips 90 Degrees, the genre-crossing Invisible Orchestra, Brooklyn’s own Chris Rock, and work as part of free-jazz inspired electronic outfit Three Body Trio.